Post-Covid-19 Impacts on Socio-economic and Livelihood  Patterns: An Empirical Study on Rural Bangladesh


  • Mahbuba Akter Shanta Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh.
  • Shihab Uddin Suman Lecturer, Department of Economics, Sheikh Hasina University, Bangladesh
  • Md Golam Kibria Lecturer, Department of Sociology, Noakhali Science and Technology University, Bangladesh



COVID-19, livelihood patterns, agriculture, employment, business, coping mechanism, socio-economics vulnerabilities


The COVID-19 pandemic had a devastating impact on local livelihoods as a result rapid  vulnerabilities have been arising after the pandemic in the rural areas of Bangladesh. This study  tried to show the crucial impacts of post-COVID-19 on socio-economic and livelihood patterns  on Bangladeshi lower-income group people including employment, agricultural, and business  sectors working people. This study employed a mixed-method approach, including both  qualitative and quantitative methods, and following the convenience sampling method, a total  of 300 respondents were interviewed for quantitative data and 25 in-depth interviews for  qualitative information from three sectors of the rural areas of the Satkhira district of  Bangladesh. Research findings showed that, Chi-square calculated value is = 13.20054 and  Critical value or chi-square tabular value is = 12.59159 that’s indicates Calculated value >  Critical value 13.20054 > 12.59159 so the Null hypothesis (There is no severe impact of post COVID-19 on local livelihoods) is rejected and the Alternative hypothesis (There is severe impact of post COVID-19 on local livelihoods) is accepted. Major findings are that there were crucial effects of the pandemic on the socio-economic well-being of the marginal people, then  the crucial impacts on their livelihood patterns, job uncertainty, etc. At the end of this  study, this paper will require support from the relevant authorities to undertake measures for  the well-being of the vulnerable group of people from the agriculture sector, business sector &  employment sector to continue their functions. So to minimize the worst impacts of post COVID-19 on local livelihoods immediate policy responses and Govt. assistance are required  in both these sectors. 


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How to Cite

Shanta, M. A. ., Suman, S. U., & Kibria, . M. G. . . (2025). Post-Covid-19 Impacts on Socio-economic and Livelihood  Patterns: An Empirical Study on Rural Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 48-67.