A Study on Technology Integration Practices in Arts Instructors: Exploring the Mediating role of Value and Ability Beliefs


  • Ge Tai Faculty of Creative Industries, City University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Nadia Binti Mohd Nasir Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology City University Malaysia, Malaysia




Art teachers, Information communication technology, ICT, Knowledge, Technology integration, Teaching process


Teachers are the crux of every developing mind of newly blooming pupils in the education  institutes and it is a universal factor in the learning process of every nature or aspect of study.  Nowadays, the use of innovative technologies has become an essential practice in learning and  teaching systems of every subject including art studies which indicates the constant  incorporation of technology in instructional communication and reflects an advancement in the  teaching process. Quantitative research design was implemented to assess the cause-and-effect  relationship among variables. Primary data was collected through the survey strategy and a  close-ended questions comprised questionnaire was designed. The researcher disbursed 350  questionnaires and finalized 331 questionnaires for the data analysis. The study encountered  significant results for all synthesized associations except for the mediating role of ability  beliefs. The present result hold numerous theoretical and practical implications. This study  extends the growing body of literature regarding technology integration practices through the  professional development, ICT knowledge and technical assistance. However, the study also  provides practical implications as beneficial insights can be provided through which  professional development can be fostered through technology integration practices. Research  limitations and future indications have also been explained to increase the generalizability of  this research. 


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How to Cite

Tai, G., & Nasir, N. B. M. (2024). A Study on Technology Integration Practices in Arts Instructors: Exploring the Mediating role of Value and Ability Beliefs . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(5), 66-90. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2024.5504