Translational Practice-Based Methodological Model for Health and Wellness in COVID-19 Times


  • Valerie Ross Faculty of Music Universiti Teknologi MARA, UiTM Shah Alam, 40450, Selangor, Malaysia
  • Abid Amir Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Teknologi MARA, UiTM Sungai Buloh, 47000 Selangor, Malaysia



COVID-19 pandemic, health and wellness, translational practice-based methodology


The COVID-19 pandemic has fueled interdisciplinary research and innovation in institutions  of higher learning to combat rising physical and mental health issues. A robust research  methodology is the foundation and quintessence of quality research output. As innovation  assumes increasing prominence in translational science-art research, the process of interdisciplinarity within the research design itself is of growing interest but lesser known.  This paper extrapolates the crafting of a Translational Practice-based Methodological model of interdisciplinary research to promote health and wellness. Multimethodologies comprising  practice-based approach, user-centred design and design thinking strategies inform the model  design. Central to the model is the ‘User’ and the innovative artefact of research flanked by  considerations of sustainable development goals, theoretical framework, assimilating  methodologies and applying translational practice. 


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How to Cite

Ross, V. ., & Amir, A. . (2021). Translational Practice-Based Methodological Model for Health and Wellness in COVID-19 Times . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(6), 114-124.