Love Affairs, Dating and Sexual Behaviour among Unmarried Youth: A Qualitative Investigation Carried Out Immediately Prior to The Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka


  • Malith Kumarasinghe Family Health Bureau, Ministry of Health, Colombo, 00100, Sri Lanka
  • W. Indralal De Silva Department of Demography, University of Colombo, Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka
  • W. S. M. Goonatilaka Sri Lanka Social Security Board, Ministry of Finance, Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte, 011, Sri Lanka



unmarried youth, love affairs, dating, sexual behaviour, Sri Lanka


Initiation and continuation of healthy relationships among youth critical for the long term wellbeing of the youth. Present socio-cultural environment presents numerous  pitfalls which inhibit such relationships. Aim of this qualitative investigation was to  describe the current status, trends and patterns of love affairs, dating and sexual  behaviour among unmarried youth in Sri Lanka. Case studies, key informant interviews  and focus group discussions were selected as methods of data collection. Thematic  analysis was used. Four themes were generated, namely initiation of love affairs; dating  and sexual behaviour, preferences, pattern and places; phycological, physical and sexual  issues and violence related to love affairs and dating behaviour; assistance and advice on  issues, problems in love affairs, dating and sexual behaviour. One of the key issues  identified was lack of reliable person to seek advice for issues related to love affairs,  dating and sexual behaviour among youth. Unmarried youth should be desensitized of  the norms that inhibit the communication of love affairs, dating, sexuality and  reproduction. Furthermore, a mechanism to identify high risk youth groups: those who  have multiple love affairs, youth with inadequate knowledge of STIs, youth with casual  sex, victims of sexual harassment need be designed and implemented 


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How to Cite

Kumarasinghe, M. ., Silva, W. I. D. ., & Goonatilaka, W. S. M. . (2021). Love Affairs, Dating and Sexual Behaviour among Unmarried Youth: A Qualitative Investigation Carried Out Immediately Prior to The Covid-19 Pandemic in Sri Lanka . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(6), 26-45.