The Role Of HRM Practices in Shaping Organisational Innovation  in Malaysia Waqf Institutions: A Conceptual Paper


  • Kaci Farouk Department of Business Administration, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Nor Azizan Che Embi Department of Finance, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Zabeda Abdul Hamid Department of Business Administration, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • Nurita Juhdi Department of Business Administration, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences, International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia.



Human resource practices, organizational innovation, waqf institutions


The current pace of change in the world is unprecedented. As a result, the environment of NPO  institutions and organisations has been affected by this rapid change, particularly the major  development in the domains of management and the requirements of the society they serve. Third sector organisations, particularly waqf institutions, must constantly innovate in order to maintain  a competitive advantage and achieve their goals of high economic and social values. Human  resource management practices can be used to achieve this goal. Thus, the objective of this  research is to examine the correlation between human resource management practices and  organisational innovation. Using a cross-sectional approach, the study involved waqf institutions  in Malaysia. Two human resource management practices served as independent variables in this  study (performance appraisal and training and development). Organization innovation (Product /  service innovation) was used as dependent variable. 


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How to Cite

Farouk, K. ., Embi, N. A. C. ., Hamid, Z. A. ., & Juhdi, N. . (2023). The Role Of HRM Practices in Shaping Organisational Innovation  in Malaysia Waqf Institutions: A Conceptual Paper. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(6), 123-133.