Organizational Justice and its Impact on Achieving Marketing Prowess: Analytical Study in Samawah Cement Factory


  • Jasim Rahi Kadim Federal board of supreme audit / Muthanna Control Directorate
  • Yousif Mousa Sabti PhD Scholar, Faculty Of Administration & Economics Department Of Bussinisess Administration, University Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Ghazanfar Ali Associate Lecturer, The Islamia University Nahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Sadeq Mehdi Shliot Federal board of supreme audit / Muthanna Control Directorate



distributive justice, procedural justice, interactive justice, marketingprowess


The current research chose the dimensions of organizational justice (distributive justice,  procedural justice, interactive justice) and exclusion marketing prowess these are exploring  opportunities, exploiting opportunities, and marketing flexibility. The purpose of the research  was to test the possibility of organizational justice contributing to achieving marketing prowess.  And standing at the level of both organizational justice and marketing prowess, and from here it  becomes clear to us its importance. And by searching for the problem through a group of  questions centered on whether there is a correlation and influence between the research variables,  and in light of this, a hypothetical model was constructed from which the main and sub-research  hypotheses emerged. To test the validity of the hypotheses, the data were collected through the  questionnaire tool, and it was prepared for this purpose. A sample represented the size of (40)  workers in the researched laboratory. The data were analyzed using a set of statistical methods  and the results were extracted using the computer program (v.16 SPSS), and in light of the  results and analyzes, the research reached a set of conclusions, including the decrease in workers  ’sense of fairness of wage distribution procedures. And rewards for workers would cause the  worker to lose the performance evaluation criteria, and to separate the goals of the worker from  the goals of the organization. Finally, the research presented a set of recommendations, which is  the necessity of setting fixed standards for each department in the laboratory to work so that the  worker can, through these criteria, evaluate his performance and know his duties and rights.  Also, laboratory management must take care to involve all workers in making decisions that  affect their work, which contributes to making these decisions more effective. 


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How to Cite

Kadim, J. R. ., Sabti, Y. M. ., Ali , G. ., & Shliot, S. M. . (2021). Organizational Justice and its Impact on Achieving Marketing Prowess: Analytical Study in Samawah Cement Factory . South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 168-184.