Politics of Translation of Kalidasa’s Sakuntalam into Malayalam: A Paratextual Study of the “First” Translation into Malayalam


  • Divya Muraleedharan Research Scholar, Department of Translation Studies, EFLU Hyderabad




First translation, Sakuntalam, paratextual elements, question of language, titles of text, Bhashanayam, Literary historiography


The paper attempts to understand the politics involved in the first translations of Sakuntalam into  Malayalam. Prior to the genre of drama which was a late development, visual art performances  like Kathakali, Koothu, Thullal, etc were the objects of appreciation and literary involvement of  the Malyalaee audience. The inception of the Sangeetanatakas into the Kerala land brought in  many changes in the aesthetics of the Malayalee literati. With the translation of Sakuntalam into Malayalam, there was a revoked interest in the literary interest of the Malayalee audience. With  numerous translations of Sakuntalam into Malayalam, some within the same time frame, there  emerged a contestation in which work to be considered as the first translation and who was the  author to first translate the globally acclaimed Sanskrit text into Malayalam. In this context of the  contestation and debates existing around the first translations and the ‘ascribed” first translation  the paper examines the politics by employing paratextual study of the translations.  


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How to Cite

Muraleedharan, D. . (2021). Politics of Translation of Kalidasa’s Sakuntalam into Malayalam: A Paratextual Study of the “First” Translation into Malayalam. South Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(1), 39-48. https://doi.org/10.48165/sajssh.2021.2104