Role of Library in Promoting Yoga Practices and Pranayama among LIS Professionals and Library Users


  • Manoj Kumar Sinha Prof. Manoj Kumar Sinha1 Dean, Swami Vivekananda School of Library Sciences, HoD Department of Library & Information Science & Acting Librarian, Rabindra Library Assam University (A Central University), Silchar-788 011
  • Satakshi Choudhury Department of Library & Information Science Assam University (A Central University), Silchar-788 011


Library, Yoga Practices, Pranayama, LIS Professionals


The present paper describes the theoretical framework of various forms of Yoga practices and  Pranayama. It highlights academic, public, and special libraries' role in promoting Yoga practices  and Pranayama among the LIS Professionals and Library Users. It also helps them keep themselves  fit, active, and energetic, perform the assigned task for teaching-learning, library services, and make people aware of healthy lifestyles by adopting Yoga practices and Pranayama.  Libraries play an essential role in supporting teaching-learning and research and fulfill the user's  demand of desired information useful for their classroom teaching, research & development, and the  overall development of the users' personality.  In the concluding part of the paper, some suggestions have been put forward by the authors  advocating to introduce yoga practices and Pranayama in Academic, Public, and Special Libraries  and their regular housekeeping operations. 


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How to Cite

Role of Library in Promoting Yoga Practices and Pranayama among LIS Professionals and Library Users . (2021). LIS TODAY, 6(1&2), 99-116.