Extending the shelf life of tomato through hurdle technology – a review


  • Shamsudeen Sanusi Nassarawa Department of Food Science and Technology, Bayero University Kano P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria Author
  • Salamatu Ahamad Sulaiman Department of Food Science and Technology, Bayero University Kano P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria Author
  • Hadiza Kabir Bako Department of Food Science and Technology, Bayero University Kano P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria Author
  • Amina Muhammad Shehu Department of Food Science and Technology, Bayero University Kano P.M.B 3011, Kano State, Nigeria Author
  • Munnir Abba Dandago Department of Food Science and Technology, Kano University of Science and Technology, Wudil, P.M.B 3244, Kano State, Nigeria Author


Tomatoes, Hurdle Technology, Hurdle Technology in the postharvest preservation of fresh tomatoes


This paper is a review on little history of tomatoes, nutritional profile of tomatoes, health benefit, hurdle technology, application of hurdle technology and  Hurdle technology in the postharvest preservation of fresh tomatoes. Furthermore, the paper explains the various ways the principles of hurdle  technology can be applied in the preservation of the freshness and quality of fruits and vegetables considering tomato as a case study. In order to  reduce the postharvest loss of this commodity, various researches have been carried out on the best methods to employ. These techniques are aimed  at extending shelf life and preserving the freshness and quality of the product from the time of harvest to final consumption. Technologies such as  Controlled Atmosphere Storage (CAS), passive and active Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP), cold storage, waxing, and chlorine treatment, have  been employed all in a bid to extend postharvest shelf life and quality. Some of these techniques are used individually or combined.  


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How to Cite

Nassarawa, S. S., Sulaiman, S. A., Bako, H. K., Shehu, A. M., & Dandago, M. A. (2019). Extending the shelf life of tomato through hurdle technology – a review . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 7(3), 1-17. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15408