Effect of soaking, germination and drying on anti-nutrients and minerals present in horsegram


  • Gauri Athawale MIT School of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Anupama Devkatte MIT School of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Sanjay Akbari College of Food Processing Technology and Bio-energy, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat, India Author
  • Vasant Pawar MIT School of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India Author
  • Shweta Raichurkar MIT School of Food Technology, MIT ADT University, Pune, Maharashtra, India Author


Horse gram, soaking, germination, drying


Horse gram (Macrotyloma uniflorum) is legume, which has a place with family Fabaceace. It is a potential grain legume having excellent wholesome  quality and least expensive source of protein. It is rich in calcium and iron. Most extreme use of horse gram is missing because of the presence of anti nutritional factors like tannin and phytic acid which interferes with the bioavailability of nutrients present in horse gram. The anti-nutritional factors,  mineral content of raw and germinated horse gram were evaluated after giving varied pretreatments of soaking, germination and drying. Treatment of  6hrs soaking, 72hrs germination and drying at 70˚C gave maximum decrease in the anti-nutritional factors i.e. tannin and phytic acid (24.77% and  39.66%), respectively. At the same time mineral content was reduced i.e. calcium and iron content (31.68% and 20.68%), respectively. It can be  observed that all this pretreatment played vital role in reduction in both anti-nutritional factors and mineral content. 


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How to Cite

Athawale, G., Devkatte, A., Akbari, S., Pawar, V., & Raichurkar, S. (2022). Effect of soaking, germination and drying on anti-nutrients and minerals present in horsegram . Journal of Postharvest Technology, 10(3), 1-6. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/jpht/article/view/15059