
  • Deepankar Misra Post Graduate Student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology, Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly-243006, (U.P.), INDIA
  • PC Srivastava Associate Professor Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly-243006, (UP), India.
  • SK Talukder Professor and PG Guide Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly-243006, (UP), India.
  • Nidhi Yadav Post Graduate Student Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology Institute of Dental Sciences, Bareilly-243006, (UP), India


Cheiloscopy, Sex determination, Criminal identification


Establishing a person’s identity is the most challenging subject for researchers. With use of gloves, fingerprints are absent at the crime scene, lip prints recovered from objects can be traced and analyzed. Cheiloscopy is examination of furrows and grooves on the lips forming characteristic pattern. They are permanent and positive means of criminal identification and sex determination. This study done on 200 subjects, proved uniqueness of lip prints. The reticular and intersecting (52%) was the commonest pattern in males and full and partial length (70%) in females. 95% males and 96% females were identified correctly with an accuracy of 90.5%. 


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10. Vahanwala S, Nayak CD, Pagare SS. Study on the lip prints as aid for sex determination. Medico legal update 2005-07-2005-09; Vol. 5 no 3. Available from: journalid=9 &issueid=69&articleid=87&action=article.



How to Cite

CHEILOSCOPY: A USEFUL ADJUNCT TO FORENSIC IDENTIFICATION- A STUDY OF 200 INDIVIDUALS . (2012). Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 28(2), 38-41.