
  • Mohammad Akbar Kazi Associate Professor, LUMHS University Technology MARA Malaysia
  • Mir Khuda Bux Talpur Associate Professor, LUMHS University Technology MARA Malaysia
  • Shafi M nizamani Associate Professor, UITM University Technology MARA Malaysia
  • Waheed Nahyoon Senior Lecturer University Technology MARA Malaysia
  • Anshoo Agarwal Ex Associate Professor, UITM University Technology MARA Malaysia


Exhumation, Grave, Exhumed Dead Bodies, Autoylysis, Facial Identification, Judicial Magistrate



OBJECT: To determine the forensic findings of Exhumation. DURATION AND PLACE: Study was conducted on Exhumed. Dead Bodies at different districts of Sindh. From January 2006 to December 2008. METHOD AND SUBJECT: Study was carried out on exhumed dead bodies of different Age, Sex and religion in different districts of Sindh. From January 2006 to December 2008. Total of (53) fifty three dead bodies were exhumed during the period, out of them 34 thirty four were males and nineteen 19 were females. RESULT: Total of fifty three dead bodies were exhumed, for forensic findings. Exhumation were carried out after two months to two years, in the presence of judicial body, on legal demand. Most of the dead bodies were in advance state of decomposition. Due to advance stage of decomposition, mark of violence at soft tissue, were lost. Organs were also in state of putrefaction, so histopathology did not gave too much about cause, of death. 


Text book of Medical Jurisprudence, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Parikh (Seventh Edition).

Principle and Practice of Forensic Medicine by Nasib R Awan.

Text book of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology by Dr. Niaz Baloch..

Police Rule CRPC.

w.w.e tense-com Govt: UK

Forensic Medicine and Toxicology By Kirshan Vijy Second Edition.



How to Cite

FORENISC FINDINGS IN EXHUMATIONS . (2025). Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 31(2), 19-22.