Confined space fatalities, grain/pulse silos, entrapment/engulfment, asphyxiaAbstract
Choking and traumatic asphyxiation as sub types of asphyxia causing fatality in two workers is presented. Different varieties of pulse grains were implicated in separate events of entrapment and engulfment in confined food pulse processing agricultural settings. Authors claim this as first case series describing pulse grain processing related occupational deaths. Death circumstances and autopsy findings are discussed along with review of literature.
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Issa SF1, Field WE1, Schwab CV2, Issa FS3, Nauman EA4. Contributing Causes of Injury or Death in Grain Entrapment, Engulfment and Extrication. J Agromedicine. 2017;22(2):159-69. doi: 10.1080/ 1059924X.2017.1283277
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