
  • Sharnagat Nitin Ex-Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Nagpur. Maharashtra State, India.
  • Ambade Vipul Professor and Head,Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Gondia. Maharashtra State, India.
  • Gilbe Pratik Assistant Professor Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Gondia. Maharashtra State, India.
  • Manu Sharma Assistant Professor Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Gondia. Maharashtra State, India.
  • Bhagwat Deepak . Assistant Professor Department of Forensic Medicine, Government Medical College, Gondia. Maharashtra State, India.


SCD, CAD, sudden cardiac death, MI


Background:The causes of sudden cardiac death are
undetected despite detailed postmortem examination,
histological examination and toxicological analysis
leading to negative autopsy in some cases. The present
study is carried out with a view to evaluate the victims of
sudden cardiac death (SCD) brought for medicolegal
Material and methods: The present cross sectional study
included 74 cases of sudden cardiac death within 24 hours
with history of chest pain or known ischaemic heart
disease brought for medicolegal autopsy. During the
autopsy, heart and coronaries were dissected to find out
any pathology and the subjected for histopathological
examination.Results: The victims of SCD were mostly males (85.1%)
with peak incidence in older ages above 60 years (41.9%).
Almost 84% of the victims had survival period of less than
6 hours. Left anterior descending artery (64.9%) was the
commonest coronary artery involved with atherosclerosis.
Most of the victims had double vessel block with 71.6%
had coronary narrowing exceeding 75% stenosis. There
was statistically significant positive correlation between
the coronary block and the age of the victim of sudden
cardiac death (p=0.007).Conclusion: Careful and detailed autopsy can beconducted in SCD to find out its cause.


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How to Cite

AUTOPSY STUDY OF SUDDEN CARDIAC DEATH. (2021). Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, 38(1), 8-12.