Cultivation of high value vegetable crops and their economic feasibility under polyhouse condition in subtropics


  • V K Singh ICAR-Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture, Rehmankhera, P.O. Kakori, Lucknow-226101 (U.P.), India


rotected cultivation, vegetables, green house, polyhouse, net house


Protected cultivation has gained popularity in India in recent past as it enhances productivity by protecting the plants against biotic and abiotic stresses. Farmers from different agro-climatic regions are adopting these technologies for higher production and productivity. Cultivation of vegetables such as capsicum, brinjal and tomato is recommended in net houses and copsicum, coloured capsicum, tomato and cucumber (exotic) is recommended in polyhouse/green house structures. 


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How to Cite

Singh , V. K. (2019). Cultivation of high value vegetable crops and their economic feasibility under polyhouse condition in subtropics . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 14(2), 34-37.