Status of coconut insect pests in managed and unmanaged garden


  • S M Wankhede Jr. Entomologist, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Dist. Ratnagiri.
  • V V Shinde Agronomist, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Dist. Ratnagiri.
  • S L Ghavale Research Officer, Regional Coconut Research Station, Bhatye, Dist. Ratnagiri.


Coconut, rhinoceros beetle, red palm weevil, eriophyid mite, black headed caterpillar


In a fixed plot survey carried out at bimonthly interval from April 2018 to February 2019 at Regional Research Station, Bhatye, Ratnagiri, the incidence and intensity of major pests on coconut was recorded. Two plots were selected for observations, one was well managed (good sanitation, use of fertilizer etc.) and another unmanaged (with poor sanitation and no fertilizers). The infestation of major pest’s in managed plot was minimum for rhinoceros beetle (25.73%), eriophyid mite (41.74%) and mite grade index 0.71. Whereas, maximum infestation of rhinoceros beetle, red palm weevil and eriophyide mite of 30.31, 0.37, 71.70 per cent, respectively and mite grade index (1.57) was recorded in unmanaged plot. The average data of two fixed plots revealed that the incidence of rhinoceros beetle was in the range of 7.64 to 48.00 per cent, the maximum was in and minimum was February 2019. The infestation of red palm weevil and black headed caterpillar were 1.11 and 0.64 per cent in February 2019. The infestation of eriophyid mite was in the range of 41.65 to 64.98 per cent, the maximum noticed in the month of April, 2018 and the least in October, 2018. The mite damage grade index 1.39 (moderate) was recorded in February 19. However, lowest MGI (0.67) was observed in October, 2018. 


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How to Cite

Wankhede, S. M., Shinde, V. V., & Ghavale, S. L. (2020). Status of coconut insect pests in managed and unmanaged garden . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(1), 70-72.