Sustainable end use of black soldier fly for successful entrepreneurial venture


  • Atun Roy Choudhury Scientific Officer, Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India-500 032
  • Neha Singh Assistant Manager, Ramky Enviro Engineers Ltd., Gachibowli, Hyderabad, India-500 032


Bio-diesel, black soldier fly, compost, fish meal cake, struvite


The larvae of Hermetia illucens, colloquially known as black soldier fly (BSF) pose an enormous potential for small-scale entrepreneurship, especially for economically backward nations. Engaging these avid eaters in frugal application towards the societal benefit can open a new dimension to explore feasible business opportunities and mitigate unemployment issues. The present study was tried to emphasize the various possible end applications of the BSF larvae in a holistic and wholesome way. The prime advantage of dealing with these larvae incorporates the minimization of the threat associated with the mortality rates, due to the ancillary applications of the dead larvae towards the nutri-culture industry and production of alternative fuel. Furthermore, the nutrient-rich compost formation due to the larval digestion activity on the municipal organic waste (MOW) fraction creates a new entrepreneurial niche for lower and middle-income nations. The research yields synthesis of primarily three major end products in terms of compost, bio-diesel, and fish meal cake. Initially, the larvae were employed for the degradation and stabilization of MOW and the product of stabilization was further analyzed and identified as compost as per the Fertilizer Control Order (FCO) 1985. The departed counts have further compressed by means of compaction machine with capacity 3000 kN and body fluid was segregated. The crude liquid was purified using centrifugation and successively followed by Soxhlet extraction. Ultimately, the separated bottom sludge has been blended with the crushed body skeleton of the larvae and turned into protein-rich fish meal cake. Thus, it’s evident to state that besides substantial societal benefits BSF poses magnificent potential to be explored by the entrepreneurial venture. 


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How to Cite

Roy Choudhury, A., & Singh, N. (2020). Sustainable end use of black soldier fly for successful entrepreneurial venture . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 15(1), 54-62.