Eco-friendly management of insect pests infesting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)


  • Shridhr Billur College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Ratnagiri-415712 (M.S.)
  • Dhaneshwar B. Patil College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Ratnagiri-415712 (M.S.)
  • V S Desai College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Ratnagiri-415712 (M.S.)
  • Sumit Kakade College of Agriculture, Dapoli, Ratnagiri-415712 (M.S.)



Pest management, cucurbits, natural enemies, flowering plants, border crops


The present research work was carried out at Agronomy Farm, College of Agriculture, Dapoli during Kharif, 2016 on seven flowering plants (cosmos, cowpea, marigold, mustard, niger, sesamum and zinnia) on the borders of cucumber plots for conservation of natural enemies. The flowering plants niger, sesamum, mustard, cowpea and marigold on cucumber bunds proved to be best for reducing the red pumpkin beetle incidence. Niger, mustard, marigold and cowpea proved best for reducing flea beetle incidence. Niger, marigold, cowpea, mustard and sesamum proved best for reducing serpentine leaf miner incidence. Niger, cosmos, cowpea, sesamum and zinnia were found best for reducing the fruit fly infestation. The results of the present study will be helpful in the eco-friendly management of pests of cucurbits. 


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T1 Cosmos 62.26 57.28 33.44 53.54 T2 Cowpea 69.81 30.23 33.66 49.18 T3 Marigold 32.71 27.07 1.54 23.20 T4 Mustard 40.07 -2.38 54.98 31.50 T5 Niger 32.07 82.91 71.90 56.90 T6 Sesamum 57.95 40.67 39.60 48.29 T7 Zinnia 10.93 50.16 58.67 34.39 T8 Control - - - -

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How to Cite

Billur, S., Patil, D. B., Desai , V. S., & Kakade , S. (2022). Eco-friendly management of insect pests infesting cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) . Journal of Eco-Friendly Agriculture, 17(2), 296-308.