Nishvas, Ucchvas, Prana Vayu, Pranavaha SrotasAbstract
Respiration is a vital function of the body. It is the process by which exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxidetakesplace. In this process oxygen is takenin and carbon dioxide is given out. The first breath takes place just after the birth. After the first one, the respiratory process continues throughout the life. The permanent stoppage of respiration occurs only at death. Respiration occurs in two stages inspiration(Nishvas) and expiration(Ucchvas). Inspiration is the process through which the air enters the lungs from atmosphere. Expiration is the process through whichthe air leaves the lungs i.e. expired out. In Ayurveda, it is the function of Prana Vayuresponsible for the process of respiration in human body. Prana Vayu is compared with the atmospheric oxygen which is necessary to carry out the vital functions of life.Prana Vayu is inspired through Pranvaha Srotasduring inspiration. A clear explanation concerning the physiology of breathing in modern books dates back to the 16th century; but the physiology available in Sharanghadhara Samhitawritten by Acharya Sharanghadharapredates even that. Description of different parts of respiratory tract organs and functions are found in description of Pratyanga Sharir, Srotas, Kosthanga,Prana Vata, Udana Vata, Rakta Dhatuand diseases of Nasa, Kantha, Pranavaha Srotasetc.
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