Scope Of Ayurveda In Sports And Exercise Medicine


  • Arun Gupta M.S. Final Year PG Scholar, MS Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga, IPGT&RA, GAU. Author


various therapeutic, Additionally, Ayurveda


Ayurveda, science of global health  and wellness envisions life as a series of  behaviors conducive to maintain an optimal  state of health. Vyayama i.e. a voluntarily  organized physical activities for attaining  the good health is one such set of behaviors  endorsed as a daily regimen in Dincharya. Vyayama is congruent to the concept of  sports and exercise which involve various  competitive and non-competitive physical  endeavors for entertainment, material and  immaterial rewards and sometimes for  obvious health benefits. With an increasing  focus on physical fitness and ideal body  image especially among the youth across the  globe, principles and fundamentals of  Ayurveda find greater relevance and  application in the arena of sports and  exercise medicine, a new medical specialty.  Every sport and exercise demands a synergy  of body (physical frame), mind (mental  instrument) and senses (sensory  apparatus).With its elaborate science of  therapeutics and strong principles of  preventive and promotive dimensions of  health, Ayurveda offers a great deal of safe, 


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How to Cite

Gupta, A. (2020). Scope Of Ayurveda In Sports And Exercise Medicine. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(6), 79-83.