
  • Manmahendra Singh M.S(Ayu)Scholar, P.G Deptt.of Shalya Tantra, NIA, Jaipur, India Author
  • Shailendra Singh M.S(Ayu)Scholar, P.G Deptt.of Shalya Tantra, NIA, Jaipur, India Author
  • P Hemanth Prof. & HOD, P.G Deptt.of Shalya Tantra,NIA,Jaipur, India Author
  • Sanjeev Sharma Professor & Diretor,NIA, Jaipur, India Author


Wound healing, Herbal formulations, Infection, Antimicrobial activity


Wound healing is a normal biological process that occurs natu rally as long as the infection does not hinder it. Both freshly prepared incisional and excisional wound experimental models, several monoherbal and polyherbal formulations have been reported to hasten / accelerate wound healing process.Different herbal formulations have been  reported to hasten/accelerate the process of wound healing by  enhancing epitheliazation, neovascularization, formation of  granulation tissue, collagen synthesis, wound contraction,  tensile strength, etc. As these studies have been conducted in  freshly prepared non-infected wounds, it is difficult to  ascertain the wound healing potential of these formulations in  absence of microbial colonization/infection and results are not  justifiable because the healing is limited to non-infected wounds. In experimental animals in the  presence of colonization / infection, it would be more appropriate to determine the wound  healing potential and not to hasten / accelerate the wound healing property of newer herbalformulations on wound healing. Hence, it is recommended to strengthen these study protocols  further using suitable controls to find out the antimicrobial activities of herbal formulations and  their effect on wounds colonized/infected with pathogenic microbes in significant numbers to  achieve more meaningful and concrete conclusions. 


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How to Cite

Singh, M., Singh, S., Hemanth, P., & Sharma, S. (2020). CONCEPTUAL STUDY ON THE MANAGEMENT OF FRESH WOUND: A REVIEW ARTICLE . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 2(6), 7-13.