Importance Of Body Donation In Rachna Sharir- A Review Study


  • Kirtibala Tawde Pg scholar, department of Rachna Sharir, Govt. (Auto) Dhanwantari Ayurved college Ujjain M.P. 456001 Author
  • Yogesh Wane Associate professor, department of Rachna Sharir, Govt. (Auto) Dhanwantari Ayurved college Ujjain M.P. 456001 Author
  • Prakash Joshi Assistant professor, department of Rachna Sharir, Govt. (Auto) Dhanwantari Ayurved college Ujjain M.P. 456001 Author


Rachna Sharir, Anatomy, Dissection, Cadaver, body bequest


Rachna sharir is a subject of Ayurveda, which deals with the  structures and its particular functions. Rachna word itself meaning  is the structure. According to some Acharyas “Rachna  adikratyamkratamtantramrachanashariram” it means Shastra related to Rachna is Rachna Sharir. In modern medical science  Rachna Sharir correlated with anatomy but there is some  difference between them. Anatomy is one of the most important  subject and course for education and knowledge of whole body grossly or subtly through dissection Every medical student, who want to know about the internal and external structure of the human  body must read anatomy and do dissection on cadaver. Vesalius Andrious wrote in the preface of  his ‘De fabrica’ (1543)- Anatomy should rightly be regarded as the firm foundation of the whole  art of the medicine and its essential preliminary for study of anatomy of human body the dissection  is a must. Dissection means the process of cutting apart or separating tissue, in order to study its  structures. For study or dissection we need an unclaimed body or cadaver. Some people donate  their body on their own volition or wish and for educational help it’s a great work. Body donation,  anatomical donation or body bequest is the donation of undamaged body after death for research  and educational purpose. Donated bodies are used for the research and educational use. Usually  there is no cost in donation of body to science. If any person wants to donate their body may go  through a willed body donation and the bodies are used for enhance the knowledge of human being  that is helpful for anatomy student for his future and education support. 


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Cross road hospice &Pallative care, Body Donation After Death: What You Need To Know,, date of download 1 march 2020.

Bombay High Court, india. Bombay Anatomy Act, 1949. (accesed 13 December 2014). 5. Priya vrita sharma , Sushruta-Samhita with English translation of text and Dalhana’s commentary along with critical notes, Varanasi, Choukhambha Vishwabharti, sharirsthan Vol-II,chapter-5, p.n. 183, reprint year- 2005

Sibani Mazumdar and Ardhendu Mazunmdar , Dissection Manual, Living and Cross sectional Anatomy, First Edition : Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd. Chapter- 1, p.n. 3, 2012,




How to Cite

Tawde, K., Wane, Y., & Joshi, P. (2020). Importance Of Body Donation In Rachna Sharir- A Review Study. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(3), 37-42.