Importance Of Rogamarga & Its Crucial Role In The Manifestation Of Vyadhi (Disease)


  • Ramnarayan Patel P.G. Scholar, P.G. Department of Roga Nidana evam Vikriti Vigyan, Shri N. P. A. Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur (C.G.), Author
  • Aradhana Kande Lecturer, P.G. Department of Roga Nidana Evam Vikriti Vigyan, Shri N.P.A. Govt. Ayurved College, Raipur (CG), India Author


Channel of diseases, Disease pathway, Marga, Rogamarga, Roga


The subject Rogamarga (disease pathway, seat, locale, the channel of diseases) is a unique contribution of  Ayurved. Rogamarga can be defined as the actual pathway, mode or manners disease progresses and it plays  a vital role in the samprapti janana. It is also an indication of how the disease is going to take place. Thus  all conditions like occurrence, progress and recurrence of the disease depend on rogamarga. The subject  Rogamarga indicates a relationship between different tissues and organs in a unique way. The knowledge  of Rogamarga helps us to understand the dosha gati, the disease process in terms of manifestation and  management (chikitsa). This review article aims to focus on the importance of Rogamarga and its role in the  manifestation of vyadhi (disease). This conceptual study is helpful in the management of various progressive  chronic diseases. 


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How to Cite

Patel, R., & Kande, A. (2020). Importance Of Rogamarga & Its Crucial Role In The Manifestation Of Vyadhi (Disease). International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 3(11), 99-112.