Concept Of Wound Healing Described In Sushruta Samhita- Boon For Modern Scientific Era


  • Nisha Sharma PG Scholar University College Of Ayurveda, Deptt Of Shalya Tantra,Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University Jodhpur,Rajasthan Author
  • Sanjay srivastav Asst. Professor, University College Of Ayurveda, Deptt Of Shalya Tantra,Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University Jodhpur,Rajasthan Author
  • Rajesh gupta Professor And HOD University College Of Ayurveda, Deptt Of Shalya Tantra, Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University Jodhpur,Rajasthan Author


Vrana, wound, wound healing


Sushruta samhita is the pillar of Ayurveda. Acharya Sushruta described almost every common and  critical clinical problem and its management. From starting of civilization vrana is one of the common  diseases which have been managed by human being. Acharya described surgical, Para surgical and  medicinal treatment of wounds. A wound is a major health problem because of high risk of  complications which causes not only physical & mental trauma but financial burden also to the  patient. So, the diagnosis and treatment both are important for wound management. Phases of wound  are very important point to study for the accurate and speedy wound healing. So, in this document,  efforts have been made to describe the wounds healing according to Sushruta samhita because the  concept of wound management described the Acharya Sushruta has proved as boon for modern  scientific era. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, N., srivastav, S., & gupta, R. (2021). Concept Of Wound Healing Described In Sushruta Samhita- Boon For Modern Scientific Era . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 4(6), 119–122. Retrieved from