Review of Previous Research Works Done on Tamak Shwasa Conducted Across India and Role of Different Treatment Modalities in Tamak Shwasa


  • Vandana Rawat P.G. Scholar, P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Gurukul Campus, U.A.U. Haridwar Author
  • Arun Kumar Tripathi Professor, P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Gurukul Campus, U.A.U. Haridwar Author
  • P R P.R.Tiwari Associate Professor, P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Gurukul Campus, U.A.U. Haridwar Author


Tamak shwasa, Bronchial asthma, Shodhana karma, Shaman drugs, Previous research work


At present era, many chronic recurrent airway disorders are increasingly seen all  over the global population. Tamak Shwasa is one of such disorder described in  Ayurveda. It is one of the variety among five types of Shwasa roga characterized  by prolonged expiration, wheeze, dyspnoea of exceedingly deep velocity, which is  immensely injurious to life. In modern science, it can be correlated with bronchial  asthma. According to Ayurveda Tamak shwasa is a Yapya vyadhi. It is not serious  as Maha, Urdhva and Chhinna shwasa but it is a very troublesome disease and  long lasting with frequent episodes (attacks) difficult to bring under control unless  quick and prompt treatment is not provided. Shodhana and Shaman chikitsa are the  important line of treatment described in Ayurvedic classics. Shodhana karma is  studied to be a necessary prerequisite in managing Shwasa roga, particularly in  patients with sufficient strength, because the disease is manifested by the  aggravated Prana vayu and by the obstruction of Kapha. Similary there are lots of  herbal drugs and rasa preparation having Vatakaphashamak, Ushna,  Vatanulomana, Shwasahar and Kasahara properties which seems to be very  effective in the treatment of Tamak shwasa. So there are many research studies  were done by various previous scholars on Shodhana karma, rasa preparation and  herbal drugs to analyse their efficacy and effectiveness on the disease Tamak  shwasa


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How to Cite

Rawat, V., Tripathi, A. K., & P.R.Tiwari, P. R. (2022). Review of Previous Research Works Done on Tamak Shwasa Conducted Across India and Role of Different Treatment Modalities in Tamak Shwasa . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(6), 183-196.