Review on Gandhaka Druti: An Unexplored Herbo-mineral Formulation


  • Sangeetham P Baby PG Scholar Dept of RS&BK Kahers shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Belagavi Author
  • P G Jadar Dean and Professor Dept of RS&BK Kahers shri BMK Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Belagavi. Author


Gandhaka Druti, Herbo-mineral formulation, Druti kalpana


Gandhaka is a Rasa-dravya that is commonly used in Ayurvedic practice. One of  the most unique dosage forms involving Gandhaka is “Gandhaka-druti,” which is  a herbo-mineral formulation with an oil base indicated in various diseases. Despite  its applicability in different diseases and promising results with minimum dose, the  various methods of its preparation and entirety of its indication need to be explored.  The present study is an effort to compile different textual references related to the  formulation pertaining to its preparation and applicability beyond skin diseases  along with recent research updates in order to pave way for the Ayurvedic fraternity  to make utmost use of this wonder drug. Through thorough review, 13 different  varieties of Gandhaka druti was obtained from different literature and also 8  different studies related to this. Most of the study was based on the popular method  and other indications are still unexplored. Furthermore, research based on various  indications is required in Ayurveda. The present study has reviewed the scope from  the classical texts to emphasize the application of Gandhaka druti in various  conditions rather than the skin disorders. 


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How to Cite

Baby, S. P., & Jadar, P. G. (2022). Review on Gandhaka Druti: An Unexplored Herbo-mineral Formulation . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(6), 64-69.