Shalparni (Desmodium Gangeticum) – A Review from Pharmacological Perspective


  • Pramila kumari P.G. Scholar Dept. of Dravyaguna MMM Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur (RAJ) Author
  • Mohd Imtiyaj P.G. Scholar Dept. of Dravyaguna MMM Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur (RAJ) Author
  • Masum P. G. Scholar Dept. of Physiology . MMM Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur (RAJ) Author
  • Vijaya P.G. Scholar Dept. of Dravyaguna MMM Govt. Ayurveda College, Udaipur (RAJ) Author


Shalparni, RasPanchak, Dosha, Dhatu


Shalparni is a well-known plant in Ayurveda literature. The botanical name of  Shalparni is Desmodium gangeticum DC., and belongs to the family Fabaceae.  Shalparni is one of the constituent drug of Laghu panchmool and Dashmoola. Due  to its madhura – tikta rasa and madhuravipaka it alleviates vitiated vaat and rakta  dusthi, so it is indicated efficiently in vaatrakta chikitsa. In Charaka samhita it is  classified in sothhara mahakashya and in Sushruta it is classified in  Vidarigandhadi gana and laghupanchamula. Desmodidium gangeticum has many  ethnomedical uses.In various nighantus, it is also indicated in Atisara, Shosha,  Shopha, Jwara, Visha, Krimi rogas. Shalparni possesses aphrodisiac, cardiotonic,  nervine tonic, febrifuge, haemostatic, and anti-helminthic properties. Shalparni  also has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, anticholinesterase, smooth  muscle relaxant, antipyretic, CNS stimulant and depressor, and bronchial muscle  relaxant properties. 


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How to Cite

kumari, P., Imtiyaj, M., Masum, & Vijaya. (2022). Shalparni (Desmodium Gangeticum) – A Review from Pharmacological Perspective . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(6), 57-63.