Standardization of Panchavaktra Rasa w.s.r to Rasa Prakash Sudhakara


  • Dhan Raj Bairwa Assistant Professor, Dept. Rasa Shastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Kalawati Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Gorha, Kasganj (UP.) Author
  • Mohar Pal Meena Associate Professor, Dept. Rasa Shastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, NIA, Deemed To Be University, Jaipur, (Raj.) Author
  • Manish Tare Associate Professor, Dept. Rasa Shastra And Bhaishajya Kalpana, Kalawati Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Gorha, Kasganj (UP.) Author
  • Vijay Shankar Verma Researcher, Maharishi Badri Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd, Jhotwara, Jaipur, (Raj.). Author


Panchavaktra rasa, Jwara rogadhikaar, Kajjali, Maricha, HPTLC, ICP-MS



Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana is the most important branch of learning in the field  of Ayurveda. To save the lives of ailing people physician should also have a thorough grip  on the principles of the formulations and their practical application. With the art and skill  of formulation, a poisonous drug can be transmuted into a safe and effective drug. A simple  drug can be converted into a most potent one. Panchavaktra rasa (PR) had been mentioned  in various literatures viz, Rasa Prakash Sudhakar, Ras ratna Sammuchaya, Yoga  Ratnakara, Sharangadhara etc. in Jwara rogadhikara. The present research work entitled  “Standardization of Panchavaktra rasa w.s.r to Rasa Prakash Sudhakara” was planned  to standardize the formulations as per the reference of Rasa Prakash Sudhakara. The Samguna Gandhaka kajjali ,Maricha churna, Pippali Churna, Shuddha Vatsnabha  churna, Shuddha Tankana churna were mixed and levigated with Dhatura patra swarasa for the formulation of Panchavakta Rasa.The samples were analyzed based on  Organoleptic Parameters, i.e., Appearance, Colour, Odour, Taste and Physico-chemical  Parameters i.e., pH Value, Loss on Drying, Ash Value, Acid insoluble Ash, Water Soluble  Ash, Sulphated Ash, Alcohol Soluble Extractive, Water Soluble Extractive. The samples  were analysed for standardization of vati parameters i.e., hardness of pills, friability test,  disintegration time etc. Total bacterial count and Total fungal count are under the  permissible limit depicted in the study. For qualitative analysis HPTLC & ICP-MS were  done. The Samples were analysed on different wavelengths 510 nm, 366 nm (Long) & 254  nm (Short). PR1 Sample confirmed 10 distinct spots at 510 nm, 07 distinct spots at 366 nm  and 09 spots at 254 nm whereas PR2 sample confirmed 11 distinct spots at 510 nm, 06  distinct spots at 366 nm and 08 spots at 254 nm. The PR3 sample confirmed 10 distinct  spots at 510 nm, 07 distinct spots at 366 nm and 08 spots at 254 nm. The Rf values of spots  differentiate the chemical composition of the sample. 


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How to Cite

Bairwa , D. R., Meena, M. P., Tare, M., & Verma, V. S. (2022). Standardization of Panchavaktra Rasa w.s.r to Rasa Prakash Sudhakara . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 5(7), 78-90.