A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Lekhan Basti,Chaturbeej Churna and Varunkanchnar Kashay along with Surya Namaskar on Vata Kapha Artava Dusti w.s.r. to Obese PCOS


  • Sangeeta PG Scholar, P.G Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga Vibhag MMM Govt Ayurvedic College Udaipur Rajasthan Author
  • Liyakat ahmed PG Scholar, P.G Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga Vibhag MMM Govt Ayurvedic College Udaipur Rajasthan Author
  • Neelam mod .PG Scholar, P.G Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga Vibhag MMM Govt Ayurvedic College Udaipur Rajasthan Author
  • Diksha khathuria Lecturer, P.G Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga Vibhag MMM Govt Ayurvedic College Udaipur Rajasthan Author
  • Mahesh dixit Principle, HOD P.G Dept Of Prasuti Tantra Evum Stree Roga Vibhag MMM Govt Ayurvedic College Udaipur Rajasthan Author


Pcos, Obesity, Medojroga, Surya Namaskar


Background- Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a common  endocrinopathy, which is multifactorial and polygenic condition,  manifested as anovulation, signs of hyperandrogenism and multiple small  ovarian cysts. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a Medojroga and  Santarpanjanyavyadhi. Material and methods -The present pilot study was designed to evaluate  the efficacy of Lekhan Basti ,Chaturbeej Churna And Varunkanchnar  Kashay Along With Surya Namaskar on obese PCOS. Total 10 patients  were enrolled and study shows extremely significant results. The overall  result shows maximum improvement in all the assessment parameters. Results - The overall result shows maximum improvement in all the  assessment parameters. Conclusion- from these observation we can conclude that ayurvedic drugs  are very effective in weight reduction and in relieving the symptoms of  obese pcos 


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How to Cite

Sangeeta, ahmed, L., mod, N., khathuria, D., & dixit, M. (2023). A Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Lekhan Basti,Chaturbeej Churna and Varunkanchnar Kashay along with Surya Namaskar on Vata Kapha Artava Dusti w.s.r. to Obese PCOS . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(3), 66-73. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/irjay/article/view/16466