Review Article on Sthaulya w.s.r. to Obesity.


  • Santosh Panwar PG Scholar National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university Jaipur Author
  • Ram Kishor Joshi Professor and HOD, Department of Kayachikitsa, National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university, Jaipur Author
  • Udai Raj Saroj Professor Department of Kayachikitsa National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university Jaipur. Author
  • Deepika Patidar PG Scholar National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university Jaipur. Author
  • Premprakash PhD Scholar National Institute of Ayurveda deemed to be university Jaipur. Author


Obesity, Sthaulya Roga, Shodhana, Dhatus, Medodhatu


Introduction- Obesity is frequently referred to as a pandemic with possibly  negative health effects on people. Although the overall national rate of  obesity in developing nations is low, these numbers may show higher rates  of obesity in metropolitan areas. According to the WHO, around 250 million  instances of obesity are reported each year. In an effort to discover a lasting  solution to this pressing issue, numerous theories and treatments have been  developed by modern practitioners, but they are not without risks. Sthaulya  (fat) is a condition in Ayurveda where there is an erroneous transformation  of nutrition due to the aggravation of Doshas, more Medodhatu is generated,  and inappropriate nutrition is used to nourish other Dhatus of the body. This  condition is treated in accordance with several Ayurvedic theories that aim  to correct the conditions of Dhatu and Doshas.  Material & Methods-The current study's data came from primary and  secondary sources, including literature assessments of important Ayurvedic  Samhitas and manuscripts, as well as widely distributed research articles.  Result- Many Medohara medications have been listed and can be used,  however the drug choice should be accurate based on the patient's  physiology and with consideration for Dosha, Desha, Kala, and other  factors.  Discussion- This article makes an effort to explain Sthaulya (obesity) from  both modern and Ayurvedic conceptions and to explore the diagnosis and  treatment from an Ayurvedic perspective.


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How to Cite

Panwar, S. ., Joshi, R. K. ., Saroj, U. R. ., Patidar, D. ., & Premprakash. (2023). Review Article on Sthaulya w.s.r. to Obesity. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 197-202.