Case Report: Chronic Urticaria Elimination through Ayurvedic Management.


  • S Anaghashree PG Scholar, Department Of Agada Tantra Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Of Ayurveda And Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka. Author
  • H Chaitra Associate Professor, Department Of Agada Tantra Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka Author
  • K Ranjeetha PG Scholar, Department Of Agada Tantra Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College Of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka Author


Sheetapita, urticaria, hives, marichadi taila, bilwadi gulika


A widespread concern in society nowadays is urticaria. Hives, or  urticaria, are typically brought on by an allergic reaction. Due to  symptoms being comparable, sheetapitta is considered to be a related  ailment in ayurveda. The terms sheeta and pitta combine to form the  word sheetapitta. The illness develops as a result of pitta dosha's dominance over the cold. When exposed to cold breeze pitta dosha mix  with worsened kapha and vata doshas. These disperse throughout the  body and cause rashes to appear on the skin's surface. A 55-year-old  female patient has been complaining of reddish, raised, circular rashes  all over her body since 5 years. These rashes were getting worsened after  her anti-allergic medications were missed, hence, she had continued the  medications regularly from past 5 years. Due to which she had increased  drowsiness making her disabled to do her day course. This condition was  diagnosed as sheetapitta and was further treated with shamana  aushadis both internally and externally along with strict monitoring of  pathya. 


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How to Cite

Anaghashree , S., Chaitra, H., & Ranjeetha, K. (2023). Case Report: Chronic Urticaria Elimination through Ayurvedic Management. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 51–56. Retrieved from