An Analytical Study for Validation and Standardization of Vati.


  • Jagriti Sharma Associate Professor, Department of Saundarya Ayurveda, NIADU, Jaipur, Raj, India Author
  • Pooja Swami Assistant Professor, Department of Agada tantra, Tantra Ayurveda College, Ganganagar, Raj, India Author


Analytical study, Angamardha Prashaman Dasemani, Bhagottar Gutika, Validation, standardization


Introduction-Traditional medicine has a long history of serving people all  over the world. Today the world is looking towards the Ayurveda with great  hope and faith. With these new challenges emerges in the form of queries  of the modern man who would have a right to know about the drug he is  consuming. To meet this new trust of inquisitiveness, standard of drugs of  Indian System of Medicine is mandatory. In the process of assurance, to  ascertain the prepared product is full proof and without any defects, these  prepared products need to undergo several analytical parameters concerned  to them and get clearance. This article is a step to standardized and validate  the ayurvedic formulation through analytical study.  Material and methods- The drugs selected for study are one of the  mahakashaya Dasemani – Angamardha Prashaman Dasemani described  in Charak Samhita Sutra Sthan and Bhagottar Gutika a Herbo- mineral  formulation is from Bhaishajya Ratnavali. The various parameters studies  are or organoleptic characters, physicochemical parameters of vati like  disintegration, friability, loss on drying, acid insoluble ash, water soluble  ash etc. and microbial contamination. Results – All the parameters studied are within the limits and hence validate  the safely and effectively use of vatiConclusion Analytical study of a product provides standards to judge its  quality. It is useful to decide future work plan and objective parameters to  know the exact status of drug by conducting the comparative study of  various samples during drug preparation.


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How to Cite

Sharma, J., & Swami, P. (2023). An Analytical Study for Validation and Standardization of Vati. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 11–20. Retrieved from