A Review Article on Piles (Arsha) and its Management.


  • Sonu swami PG Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Post Graduate Institute of Ayurved, Dr S. R. Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, India. Author
  • Vishnu Dutt Sharma Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra Post Graduate Institute of Ayurved, Dr S. R. Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur, India Author


Arsha, Ksharkarma, Agnikarma, Ayurveda, Sushruta


An important sub-discipline of Astanga Ayurveda, the Shalya tantra, is  rich in many aspects of contemporary surgical thinking. As Arsha is one  of the Anorectal disorders, Sushruta thoroughly discussed the  achievements made by the Tantra in these conditions. The term "Arsha"  is derived from "Ru Gatau" Dhatu and has the meaning of "as violent as  an enemy" thanks to the suffix "Asun". It is the most prevalent anorectal  condition and can strike anyone at any time. The aetiology, pathology,  symptomatology, types, and management or therapy methods of Arsha are sufficiently detailed in Ayurveda. All the Ayurvedic classics include  the causes of "Arsha" (Haemorrhoid), including the modern sedentary  lifestyle, irregular eating habits, consumption of junk food, hot foods,  non-fibrous meals, inactive occupations, mental stress, etc, are  responsible for "Arsha" (Haemorrhoids), which results in impaired  digestion, constipation, itchiness, searing pain, and soreness in the  region of the Guda, all of which contribute to bleeding and the  development of arsharoga. To prevent and treat Arsha while also  avoiding its causes, acharyas critically outlined a variety of chikitsa modes (Nidanaparivarjana). Asthapana, Virechana, Asthapana and Anuvasana Basti for Vataja Arsha, Virechana for Pittaj Arsha,  Aharadravya mixed with Sunthi and kulatha for Kaphaj Arsha, and Shamana Chikitsa for Raktaj Arsha, among others, are all applied based  on the stages of Arsha and the Dosha involvement. 


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How to Cite

swami, S., & Sharma, V. D. (2023). A Review Article on Piles (Arsha) and its Management. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 99-104. https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/irjay/article/view/12915