A Comprehensive Understanding of Vidhura Marma.


  • Uma B Gopal Professor, Department of Rachana Shareera, Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara college of Ayurveda and Hospital, Hassan. Author
  • K M Kamalashree Assistant Professor, Department of Rachana Shareera, Indian Institute of Ayurveda Medicine and Research, Bengaluru. Author


Vidhura Marma, Baadhirya, Vaikalyakara, Hearing impairment


The concept of Marma is one of the unique principle mentioned in ancient  Ayurvedic texts. Marmaisvital area in the body where there is  conglomeration of Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi andSandhi. In these area  Prana resides specifically and is more vulnerable. These generate the  symptoms from excruciating pain to fatal effect when exposed to trauma.  Acharya’shave mentioned 107 such vital areas in the body. Vidhura  Marma is one among them, present in the head region, postero-inferior to  the Ear within half angula dimension. It is a Vaikalyakara Marma and on  injury leads to Baadhirya (Hearing impairment). Knowledge of Marma  has said to cover half of the jurisdiction of Shalya Tantra. Hence, clear  knowledge of Marma is very important in clinical field in preventing the  complications during the surgical and Para surgical procedures. Details  are collected from ayurvedic texts and published papers aiming to provide  a comprehensive overview on Vidhura Marma.  


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How to Cite

Gopal, U.B., & Kamalashree , K.M. (2023). A Comprehensive Understanding of Vidhura Marma. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(6), 86–91. Retrieved from https://acspublisher.com/journals/index.php/irjay/article/view/12912