Role of Panchatikta Ghrita, Haridra and Nimba Churna Puran in Vrana with Respect to Bed Sore.


  • Reena Shivasgar Mishra Phd Scholar , Seth Govind Raoji Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya & Assistant Professor in Dept of Kayachikitsa , KG Mittal Hospital ,Mumbai. Author
  • Vivek chandurkar HOD & Professor, Dept of Kayachikitsa, Seth Govind Raoji Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya. Author


Vrana, Vrana Ropan, Wound healing, Bed sore, Dushta vrana


The Vrana means Damage or destruction of the part or tissue of body,  which leaves a scar after healing. From the beginning of civilization,  Vrana was one of the major disease which was managed by human  being. In ancient Indian literature there was large number of references  related to the vrana (wound) and vrana ropan (wound healing) was  mentioned. The acharya categorised vrana in to mainly two parts i.e.  Nija and Aagantuja vrana along with this many classification, Nidan,  Samprapti, Rupa, Lakshanas, vrana pareeksha, and treatment methods  for vrana was mentioned in ayurvedic treaties. The healing process of  Vrana is a natural process, which also starts immediate after injury.  Acharya Sushruta described Vrana at different places in different  context of Sushrut Samhita. The vrana is important topic in academic  point of view, patient care and research of newer technique and drugs  for easier and effective management. The management of wound is  described in Sushruta samhita in very detail manner. He advised sixty  upakrama (method) of treating wound is lot of different conditions  known as shashtiupakram in Chikitsasthanam In this review article we  have try to describe and compile the all detail description of vrana and  try to compare the vrana ropan procedure with wound healing with the  base of Lakshanas of vrana. 


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How to Cite

Mishra, R. S., & chandurkar, V. (2023). Role of Panchatikta Ghrita, Haridra and Nimba Churna Puran in Vrana with Respect to Bed Sore . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 36-42.