Role Of Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia Miers.) in Autoimmune Disorders; A Review Article.


  • Vijay Bhushan Sharma PhD Scholar, PG Dept. of Dravyaguna, DR. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Author
  • AAkanksha Sharma PhD Scholar, PG Dept. of Swasthavritta and Yoga, DR. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author
  • Chandan Singh Professor and H.O.D., PG Dept. of Dravyaguna, DR. S.R. Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan Author


Agni, Jatharagni, Ama, Autoimmune disease, Guduchi


Ayurveda is science of life with the aim of attaining health and curing  disease of ill. Among thirteen types of Agni, Jatharagni is main and  when it gets tone down, all other Agnis become diminished too. As a  result of that phenomenon, Deha-dhatu remains in inchoate form, that  vitiated the Adhya dhatu Rasa when this vitiated Rasa enters in  Amasaya, it is called as Ama (an unripe form of Rasa). Autoimmunity is  the condition when the immune system produces a response against one  or more of the body’s normal constituents as if they are harmful. The  response may include specific immune cells and/or antibodies. In  ancient Ayurvedic text a disease Amavata is said to be caused by Ama.  In modern perspective Amavata can be correlated with Rheumatoid  arthritis, which is an autoimmune disorder. So here Ama can be  correlated with free radicals present in the body and blood. Guduchi  (Giloy) comprises proven scientific effects over the oxidative stress in  the body as it comprises antioxidants and qualities to rejuvenate the body  hence called Amrita and Rasayana. It has Deepana, Amahara,  Rasayana, Sangrahi and Vayasthapana properties, that’s why it is useful  in Pachana of Ama and hence management of Autoimmune disorders  caused by Ama. 


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How to Cite

Sharma, V. B., Sharma, A., & Singh, C. (2023). Role Of Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia Miers.) in Autoimmune Disorders; A Review Article . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 127-131.