Management of Lutha Visha (Spider Poison) -A Case Report.


  • Salwa House Surgeon, Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College Ollur, Thrissur. Author
  • B Arun Assistant Professor, Department of Koumarbhritya, Vaidyarathnam Ayurveda College Ollur, Thrissur. Author


Luthavisha, Spider poisoning, Luthavishachikitsa, Neelithulasyadi kashayam


As per modern view, more than 20000 species of Spiders are identified  and classified into 60 families. Most of them are not dangerous.  In Ayurveda Visha mainly classified as Sthavaram and Jangamam.  Sthavaram includes plant origin whereas Jangamam includes animal  origin like snake, spider, scorpion and insects etc. The detailed  explanation of Luthavisha origin, symptoms, mode of poisoning and  treatment is available in our classical texts. Acharya Susrutha describes  16 species of Lutha and Vagbhata describes about 28 varieties.  Luthavisha (spider poisoning) is very common in Kerala especially in  lower socio-economic groups. Here is a case of 6 months old girl child  who presented with reddish blue, soft, raised, spreading lesions with  pustules, which produce severe irritation to the child and was diagnosed  as Luthavisha. Generally, the poison of all spiders has properties of all 3  dosas with predominance of Pita and Kapha. So, the line of treatment  includes Pitakaphahara treatment along with Srothoshodana and  Rakthaprasadana. A remarkable change has been observed as the lesion  stops spreading and pustules get dried up. 


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How to Cite

Salwa, & Arun , B. (2023). Management of Lutha Visha (Spider Poison) -A Case Report . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(7), 21-26.