Impact of Mandukasana and Dhanurasana Practice during Brahmamuhurta on Diabetes Mellitus


  • Kripali P Jangle Department of Swasthavritta and Yoga, Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Author
  • Priya S Meshram Assistant Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. Author


Brahma muhurta, Dhanurasana, Diabetes, Mandukasana


Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is a non-communicable disease spreading rapidly in the entire world due to  disturbance in an individual’s lifestyle. Ayurveda is a rational science of life as it has a great contribution in the  prevention of diseases. In classical texts, Dincharya upkram had been described foremost to make people aware  about health and personal hygiene. Waking up at Brahma muhurta and utilizing that time in yoga and meditation  makes man healthy and free from diseases. Practicing yoga such as Mandukasana and Dhanurasana during brahma  muhurta can help to achieve health and one can get rid of the metabolic disorder diabetes mellitus.  Aim: Th aim of the study was to review the impact of Mandukasana and Dhanurasana practice during Brahma  muhurta on diabetes mellitus.  Materials and Methods: Critical review from the Literature from Ayurvedic texts, Yoga texts, research articles  related to the topic is referred.  Observation and Results: Review of literature and research articles on Mandukasana and Dhanurasana shows that  regular practice of Mandukasana and Dhanurasana can reduce insulin resistance and increase insulin sensitivity.  Thus, asanas such as Mandukasana and Dhanurasana maintain the function of pancreas and reduce the blood  glucose level in diabetic patients.  Conclusion: Regularly practicing Mandukasana and Dhanurasana can improve the blood supply to the abdominal  organs which includes pancreas too. This leads to getting rid of metabolic disorder and diabetes mellitus and improves  the quality of life of an individual. 


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How to Cite

Jangle, K. P., & Meshram, P. S. (2023). Impact of Mandukasana and Dhanurasana Practice during Brahmamuhurta on Diabetes Mellitus . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(9), 42-44.