Traditional Sutika Paricharya Practices Prevalent in Kozhikode District of Kerala


  • P Aswathy PhD Scholar, Department of Rogavijnana and Vikritivijnana, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Author
  • S Aravind Medical Officer, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine, Government of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India. Author


Mukkudi, Nadi Kashaya, Navadhanya powder, Sutika paricharya, Ullichoru


Introduction: Motherhood is the most gifted prize in the world as it is the means of transfer of human generation.  Sutika kala (period of puerperium) is the period of happiness as well as the period of complications also. The  puerperium is the period from the end of the third stage of labor until most of the patient’s organs have returned to  the pre-pregnant state. Proper paricharya is necessary for the maintenance of the health of the puerperal women.  There are some traditional practices for the health promotion of Sutika which are prevalent in Kozhikode district of  Kerala. The objective of this study is to reveal the scientific background of the traditional Sutika paricharya practices  prevalent in Kozhikode. Materials and Methods: The data regarding the Sutika paricharya were collected from the Ayurvedic practitioners  from Kozhikode through a Telephonic Survey with the help of a structured questionnaire. Data will be analyzed  scientifically and conclusions will be drawn. Results and Discussion: The Traditional Sutika Paricharya practices prevalent in Kozhikode district of Kerala  includes the use of Nadi Kashaya, Arista, Nalpamaradi Vethuvellam (water used for bath prepared from Nalpamaradi drugs), Mukkudi, Ullichoru (special rice prepared with onion and its varieties), Pettu lehyam, Thengin pookkuladi  lehyam (Avaleha prepared with Inflorescence of coconut), and Navadhanya powder. The details regarding its  preparation, uses, effects, and its scientific background were validated and conclusions were drawn. Conclusion: The time-tested and validated scientific practices should be added and updated to the knowledge  database of Sutika practices in the Ayurveda system in India.


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Available from: 15/4112/5/2021 [Last accessed on 2003 May 17].




How to Cite

Aswathy, P., & Aravind, S. (2023). Traditional Sutika Paricharya Practices Prevalent in Kozhikode District of Kerala. International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(11), 30-34.