Management of Oligohydramnios with the Help of Ksheerapaka and Yashtimadhu Siddha Matrabasti: A Case Report


  • Juli Kotwani PG Scholar, Department of Stree Roga and Prasuti Tantra, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India. Author
  • Tejaswini Dhiraj Buchade Assistant Professor, Department of Stree Roga and Prasuti Tantra, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India. Author


Garbhashay, Ksheerapaka, Matrabasti, Oligohydramnios


Amniotic fluid protects the baby and helps develop its limb, lung, digestive system, and muscle volume. The volume  of amniotic fluid should increase as the pregnancy progresses. Roughly 4% of pregnant women are diagnosed with  oligohydramnios. It occurs when the volume of fluid in the amniotic sac is lower than average, usually because the  placenta is not functioning properly. It is a very serious complication of pregnancy associated with poor perinatal  outcome. An effective treatment for oligo is very needful to grow fetus normally and delivered with no complication.  In Ayurveda, oligohydramnios can be compared with Upavishtaka, Nagodara, and Garbhashaya condition in which  Garbhaspandana and Anunnatkukshita mentioned by Acharaya Sushtra which is due to reduce of liquor. The present  case report of primigravida with period of gestation by last menstruation period is 30 weeks 2 days with foetal  movement with no history of labour pain, leaking and bleeding per vaginal. On ultrasound significant that single  live uterine foetus with cephalic presentation with 30 weeks with resistance in left uterine artery, FHR – 128 bpm,  placenta – anterior, grade 2, AFI – 6.7 cm, two loop of cord seen around neck Estimate weight – 1531 ± 327 kg,  BPP- 6/8. The patient was treated by Ksheerapaka of Yashtimadhu, Bala, Ashwagandha, and Yashtimadhu Siddha  Matrabasti. This case report revealed that oligohydramnios can be managed by Ayurvedic drug intervention. 


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How to Cite

Kotwani, J., & Buchade, T. D. (2023). Management of Oligohydramnios with the Help of Ksheerapaka and Yashtimadhu Siddha Matrabasti: A Case Report . International Research Journal of Ayurveda and Yoga, 6(12), 64-68.