Characteristics Of Dairy Farmers Of North Gujarat


  • B.K. Ashwar Livestock Inspector Training Centre, College of Veterinary Sci. and A.H. SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar - 385 506. Gujarat.
  • Jacob Ninan Livestock Inspector Training Centre, College of Veterinary Sci. and A.H. SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar - 385 506. Gujarat.
  • M.C. Soni Livestock Inspector Training Centre, College of Veterinary Sci. and A.H. SDAU, Sardarkrushinagar - 385 506. Gujarat.


Dairy farmers, Characteristics - Personal, Socio-psychological, Economics


A study was conducted on the characteristics of dairy farmers of North Gujarat (Banaskantha, Sabarkantha and Mehsana districts) and the data of 240 respondent farmers' was collected by personal interview. The findings of the present study revealed that more than 3/4th of the dairy farmers were in middle age group, about 87 per cent were literate, more numbers were in low level of social participation, medium dairy farming experience, in OBC category, with medium extension contact and extension participation, small to medium farmer groups and in medium herd size (4 to 6 animals) category. The average milk production at their home was 29.76 liters per day and majority (45.48 per cent) dairy farmer were in big producers’ category. More than 48 per cent were in low-income group (Rs.<50,000 per annum) but average income was Rs.72,566.00 per annum. The findings regarding psychological attributes revealed that majority (70 per cent) respondents were in medium economic motivation group and more than 62 per cent were in medium scientific orientation category. 


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How to Cite

Ashwar, B. ., Ninan, . J. ., & Soni, M. (2011). Characteristics Of Dairy Farmers Of North Gujarat . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 7(2), 57-62.