Antibody Titre Study On Trivalent Foot And Mouth Disease Vaccine


  • Gautam Kumar Pankaj Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-800014
  • Manoj Kumar Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-800014
  • Avnish Kumar Gautam Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-800014
  • Sanjay Kumar Bharti Bihar Veterinary College, Patna-800014


FMD Vaccine, Oil Adjuvent, Serum Neutralisation Test, Cows


Present study was conducted on twenty cross bred cows based on evaluation of the antibody titre due to inoculation of oil adjuvant trivalent (O, A, Asia-1 vaccine strains) FMD vaccine employing Serum Naturalisation Test (SNT). The result showed a rise of SNT antibody titre at 30 days post vaccination (dpv) to protective level (2.01 log10 , 1.95 log10 , 1.75 log10 30 dpv in these serotypes O, A and Asia- 1 respectively) for all the three serotypes under study. The selected cows showed 72%, 88% and 72% protection for O, A and Asia- 1, respectively. 


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How to Cite

Pankaj, G. K. ., Kumar , M. ., Gautam, A. K. ., & Bharti , S. K. . (2013). Antibody Titre Study On Trivalent Foot And Mouth Disease Vaccine . Indian Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Biotechnology, 9(2), 46-47.