Effect of repeated Superovulation on superovulatory response and embryo recovery in Sahiwal cows


  • U K MISHRA Department of Veterinary Physiology College of Veterinary Sci. & A.H., Anjora, Durg (M.P.) 491001
  • J R KHAN




Superovulation, embryo recovery, Sahiwal cows


Twelve elite Sahiwal donor cows were repeatedly superovulated four to five times with an interval of 75 to 100 daysbetweentwosuperovulations to . determine the effect of 
respeated gonadotrophicsuperstimulation of 
ovaries on superovulatory response and embryo recovery during a period of one year. The mean 
numbers of corpus luteum / ovulations observed 
were 10.16±0.62, 9.75±0.64,7.75±0.56, 
5.91±0.37 and 4.66±0.87 in five attempts respectively. The mean number of embryo recovery was 6.83±0.70, 4.83±0.52, 
3.41±0.35, 3.08±0.39 and 2.33±0.87. The mean number of transferable embryo was 5. 16±0.65, 3.5±0.37, 2.5±0.31, 2.0±0.27 and 2.0±0.57. Repeated superstimulation of ovaries by exogenous gonadotropin treatments had a tendency towards decreasing number of ovulations,. embryo recovery and transferable 
embryos per cow during a period of one year. It is also observed that in one year fiverepeatedsuperovulations and flushing were possible only 
in 25% Sahiwal donors whereas in 75% cows only four repeated superovulation and embryo 
recovery were done successfully.




How to Cite

MISHRA, U. K., MISHRA, O. P., & KHAN, J. R. (2023). Effect of repeated Superovulation on superovulatory response and embryo recovery in Sahiwal cows. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 18(1), 8-10. https://doi.org/10.48165/