Successful Management of Dystocia due to Fetal Anasarca in Osmanabadi Goat.


  • Anujkumar Koli Department of Animal, Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics ,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, (MAFSU), Udgir, Dist. Latur – 413517, (Maharashtra) India
  • Anil Patil Department of Animal, Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics ,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, (MAFSU), Udgir, Dist. Latur – 413517, (Maharashtra) India
  • Snehal Ramteke Department of Animal, Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics ,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, (MAFSU), Udgir, Dist. Latur – 413517, (Maharashtra) India
  • Sonali Naktar Department of Animal, Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics ,College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, (MAFSU), Udgir, Dist. Latur – 413517, (Maharashtra) India
  • Sanjeev Pitlawar Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, (MAFSU), Udgir, Dist. Latur – 413517, (Maharashtra) India



Anasarca, Dystocia, fetal monster, Osmanabadi goat


A three year old Osmanabadi goat was reported to the Veterinary Clinical Complex, Udgir with the history of difficulty in parturition. The case was handled by local quack. On per vaginal examination revealed the anasarcous monster which is removed with obstetrical manoeuver and the dam was treated with antibiotic, analgesics and fluid therapy. An uneventful recovery was seen after the treatment.


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How to Cite

Koli, A. ., Patil, A., Ramteke, S. ., Naktar, S. ., & Pitlawar, S. . (2023). Successful Management of Dystocia due to Fetal Anasarca in Osmanabadi Goat. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 44(1), 82-84.