Management of Paraphimosis in A Stray Dog - A Case Report


  • K.L. Thavani Veterinary Officer, Veterinary Dispensary, Kheda District Panchayat, Dist. Kheda-387411, Gujarat, India



Medical management, Paraphimosis, Stray dog


A one year old male stray dog was presented to Veterinary Dispensary, Cambay  with of paraphimosis since last four hours with no history of recent mating. In  spite of the severe paraphimosis the dog was healthy and active. The penis was  engorged and congested with presence of several dark haemorrhagic areas. An  edematous preputial band was constricting the penis, preventing its retraction into  the preputial sheath. After treatment inflammation was subsided and animal was  recovered uneventfully with no recurrence. 


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How to Cite

Thavani, K. (2021). Management of Paraphimosis in A Stray Dog - A Case Report . The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 42(2), 79-80.