Management of Dystocia Due to Unilateral Post-Cervical Torsion in Ewe


  • Kirankumar Parmar Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics Kamdhenu University, Junagadh-36200
  • Jakotra Hardikbhai Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics Kamdhenu University, Junagadh-36200
  • Vala Rajeshbhai Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics Kamdhenu University, Junagadh-36200



Torsion, Dystocia, Schaffer’s Method, Ewe


The present clinical case of unilateral post-cervical torsion in ewe reports the successful delivery of a fetus by rolling the ewe using Schaffer’s method with little modification from large animals. A pluriparous non-descript ewe aged about 2.5 years was presented at VCC, Junagadh, Gujarat with a history of completion of gestation and straining for 24 hours. The per-vaginal fetus was delivered successfully after rolling the dam with slight traction. The dam had an uneventful recovery.


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How to Cite

Parmar, K., Hardikbhai, J., & Rajeshbhai, V. (2025). Management of Dystocia Due to Unilateral Post-Cervical Torsion in Ewe . The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 45(2), 102-104.