Management of Hematic Mummification in a Jersey Crossbred  Heifer with Vulvar Stenosis by Episiotomy


  • Reshma Abdul Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics TANUVAS, Chenni, Tamil Nadu.
  • Manokaran Sakthivel Veterinary Clinical Complex, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Salem, TANUVAS, Chenni, Tamil Nadu.
  • Thangamani Annadurai Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics TANUVAS, Chenni, Tamil Nadu.
  • Sarath Thulasiraman Department of Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstetrics TANUVAS, Chenni, Tamil Nadu.



Fetal Mummification, Vulvar Stenosis, Episiotomy, Jersey Crossbred Heifer



A case of hematic mummification in a Jersey crossbred heifer was presented. Pregnancy was terminated using  Prostaglandin F2α treatment. Since the animal had stenosis of vulva, episiotomy was performed to widen the opening of  the birth canal and the mummified fetus was delivered successfully. 


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How to Cite

Abdul, . R. . ., Sakthivel, M. ., Annadurai, T. . ., & Thulasiraman, S. . . (2025). Management of Hematic Mummification in a Jersey Crossbred  Heifer with Vulvar Stenosis by Episiotomy. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 45(2), 96-98.