Management of Dystocia Due to Posterior Presentation andUmbilical Torsion in a Jenny


  • Sajjan Kumar Equine Production Campus, Regional Station, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334001
  • Jitender Singh Equine Production Campus, Regional Station, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334001
  • Ramesh Kumar Dedar Equine Production Campus, Regional Station, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334001
  • Thirumala Talluri Equine Production Campus, Regional Station, ICAR-NRC on Equines, Bikaner, Rajasthan-334001



Jenny, Dystocia, Umbilical cord torsion, Breech presentation


The present case report puts on record successful management of dystocia in a jenny suffering from posterior presentation of fetus and torsion of the umbilical cord. A five-year-old pregnant jenny in its last trimester with the history of vaginal discharges followed by mild straining without any progress was reported at the farm. The vaginal examination revealed a fully dilated cervix with the presence of a fetus with breech presentation. The fetus was relieved successfully by repulsion of the fetus, extension of flexed hind legs and final traction of the fetus without any administration of anesthesia.


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How to Cite

Kumar, S. . ., Singh, J. . ., Dedar, R. K. . ., & Thirumala Talluri. (2024). Management of Dystocia Due to Posterior Presentation andUmbilical Torsion in a Jenny. The Indian Journal of Animal Reproduction, 45(1), 82-92.