Physio-haematological and biochemical changes in dairy cows during different stages of estrus


  • K K DHAKAR MVSc scholar, department of LPM, DUVASU, Mathura
  • YAJUVENDRA SINGH Assistant Professor, LPM, DUVASU, Mathura.
  • T V RAJA Assistant Professor, LPM, DUVASU, Mathura.
  • D N SINGH MVSc scholar, department of LPM, DUVASU, Mathura
  • R Sirohi Assistant Professor, LPM, DUVASU, Mathura.


Biochemical, Estrus, Haematological attributes, Pysiologica, Sahiwal cows


The present study was carried out to discriminate the prestanding, standing and end of standing heat  conditions of estrus Sahiwal cows by observing their various physiological, haematological, blood  biochemical attributes. The experiment was conducted on eight healthy, cyclic Sahiwal cows maintained  at DDD farm of ILFC, DUVASU, Mathura. Out of various physiological and hematological parameters  studied, a significant difference for three different stages of estrus in Sahiwal cows could be observed only  for rectal temperature, PCV (P<0.01) and hemoglobin (P<0.05). During standing heat, the mean values for  rectal temperature (39.00±0.10ºC), hemoglobin (12.45±0.20 mg/dl) and PCV (44.77±0.77 %) were found  to be significantly higher than those during pre standing and end of standing heat stages. Interestingly,  no significant difference for any of the bio chemical attributes in Sahiwal cows could be observed during  three different stages of estrus, but few of the parameters viz. total protein, alkaline phosphatase, total  immunoglobulin, albumin and calcium, significantly higher during standing heat as compared to other  stages of estrus. This finding indicated that none of the bio- chemical attributes helpful in discrimination  of the above said three stages of the estrus in Sahiwal cows. 



How to Cite

Physio-haematological and biochemical changes in dairy cows during different stages of estrus . (2018). Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management, 34(1-2), 50-55.