Author Guidelines

The Indian Journal of Animal Production and Management (IJAPM) considers for publication of the original (not published or submitted for publication elsewhere) research articles, short communication and review articles from the members of Indian Society of Animal Production and Management (ISAPM) on all applied aspects of animal production. Authors are required to enclose the authenticity certificate, life membership number and processing fee of Rs. 500 per article along with the manuscript. Non-members can also publish by paying Rs. 700 per article for each article.

Manuscript: The manuscript should have the following components: Tile, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any), References, Tables and Illustrations. Standard abbreviations should be used. The manuscript should be uploaded in the journal's website.
Title: Should include the title of the articles and name (s) of the author (s) in capital letters, followed by the complete address (department/institution, city, pin-code, country) where the research was conducted. A short title should be given separately at the bottom of the front page.
Abstract: Should highlight the important findings and conclusion written in a manner suitable for direct reproduction in abstracting journals.
Keywords: Should be incorporated below the abstract
Introduction: Should give appropriate background, clearly state the objectives and explain the hypothesis to be tested.
Materials and Methods: Should include the experimental procedures used. New method should be discussed in details and for well established methods, only references may be quoted. Declaration of approval of Animal Ethics committee is a must.
Results and Discussion: Results should be presented in concise manner, avoiding data which are already given in the tables. Discussion part should not repeat the results, but should explain and interpret the data, giving comparison with relevant studies. Conclusion and recommendations (if any) should be based on supporting data.
References: Each reference should contain name (s) of author (s) [last name followed by initial], year of publication, name of journal (abbreviated according to the World List of Scientific Periodicals, Butterworth Scientific Publication, London), volume, number and first page number. For books, the reference should include the name (s) of authors (s), year of publication, name of book, edition and name and place of publisher, in that order.
All references should be listed as per alphabetical order of the first author, numbered sequentially and quoted in the text only by giving the appropriate serial number, as superscripts.


1. Saadulah, M., Haque, M. and Dolberg, F. (1980). Treating rice straw with animal urine. Trop. Anim. Prod. 5.272.

2. Snedecor, G. W. and Cochran, W. G. (1980). Statistical Methods. 7th Ed. The lowa State University Press, lowa.

In Running text: Results are in agreement with the few workers1,2.
Tables: Should be typed on separate sheets and indicated in the text as per serial number.
Figures and Illustration: Figures and Illustration should be included when necessary and sent as standard graphic files like JPEG/JPG as separate files from the DOCX of the main article. Avoid the same data both in table and illustrations.
Short communication: Should not exceed three printed pages (1500 words) including, title, abstract, references and one or two tables. It should be written in running matter with no sub headings, but each compartment including conclusion should be presented by separate paragraphs.
Note: The authors are requested to send the prescribed ˜Certificate along with the manuscript.

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